SG - Parent Portal

Welcome to The ESD Parent Community

We greatly benefit from the time, love, and support from our parents.


Upcoming Events

Calendar here Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dignissimos veritatis error maxime a nisi libero similique officia ipsa eligendi optio hic voluptate, perspiciatis omnis nesciunt. Nobis veniam culpa suscipit nulla!

Parents' Association Organizations

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Dad's Partnership
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Booster Club

Booster Club exists to support our School's student-athletes, athletic teams, and athletic programs. We believe athletics is an integral part of developing the unique talent and potential in each student. We encourage and promote athletics and goodwill by filling economic gaps in athletic need.

2022-23 President: Alexandra Lovitt

Booster club page


Parents' Association Initiatives


Building Community Through Parent Involvement: The variety of volunteer opportunities through our various Parent Organizations (PA, Dads’ Partnership, Booster Club, Fine Arts Network) make it possible for parents with different schedules, interests, and talents to participate in the life of the school. Whether a one-time or ongoing commitment, every contribution is needed and valued. ESD encourages parent involvement and it is fundamental to ESD’s mission.

Sign up for volunteering

Speaker Series

The Parents’ Association Speaker Series offers the opportunity to experience and learn from remarkable individuals who are experts in education, child development, and health who present practical parenting tools that support and inspire families.

Upcoming speaker events

Speaker series
Lower school carnival
Lower School Carnival

Come one, come all! To the ESD Eagle City Limits Carnival! The ESD Carnival is our one and only annual ESD Parents' Association FUNd-raising event designed specifically for the lower school community. Mark your calendars for Saturday, September 30, from 11:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. The ESD baseball field will be transformed into a spectacular Eagle City Limits Carnival, focused on community building and fun for the whole family!

For us to fly through a fantastic Carnival, WE NEED YOUR HELP! Most volunteer opportunities will be day-of support, but we would also love your help over the summer and into August/September.

Sponsorship opportunities are available here. 100% of the funds raised go directly to ESD to support the school's mission. Tickets will be available in August.

Questions? Contact one of the Carnival Co-Chairs: Lindsey Bogal or Elizabeth Crow.

More details

Uniform Resale Pop-up Shop

The Uniform Resale Shop is a project of the ESD Parents' Association and is a great place to purchase ESD uniforms and ESD spirit wear. Most uniform pieces are $5 each. The Resale Shop, located upstairs in the Swann Center near the wrestling room, is open for Pop-Up events throughout the year. If you have uniform pieces to donate, please drop them off with the receptionist at the Merrell Road main entrance.

More details

Uniform resale

We are thrilled to announce that the ESD Parents' Association annual auction event will be held on Saturday, March 2, 2024. This is an event not to miss!

Questions? Contact one of the Auction Co-Chairs:

Junior Class Fundraising

Families can support the Prom by purchasing Junior Jamboree Events (stay tuned for more details), Homecoming Mums and Garters, and Holiday Wreaths & Poinsettias from the Junior Class Parents' Association Reps. Look for time specific ways to support the various Prom fundraisers in NYCU and Rep emails.

Junior fundraising