Experience Daily Worship with ESD

Sep 20 2021

Greetings ESD Family,

One of the most meaningful and formative aspects of our life together is our daily chapel experience, where we gather division by division to worship and be reminded that we are loved by God and called to share God’s love with our world. We are deeply thankful that all Eagles can now meet together in person and are equally aware of how last year's televised worship lacked vitality and connectedness compared with meeting in person. Simply put, the joy of being together is profound.

Some families have expressed interest in sharing what their children experience in daily worship. We are delighted to be able to welcome family members of our ESD students to experience community worship together, within the constraints of our chapel seating limitations and campus safety protocols, including wearing masks while inside All Saints Chapel.

With this in mind, we invite family members who would like to experience daily worship to sign up using this Google Form. There are six (6) guest seats available per chapel per day. We ask that family members sign up at least 24 hours in advance and not sign up for worship services on consecutive days to make space for other families to attend. An exception to this occurs in Lower School only, as family members of students serving that day or having their birthday recognized on that day are automatically invited to be there for their child(ren), and thus do not need to fill in the form for that day.

Click Here to Experience Daily Worship at ESD

Thank you so much for your support and your prayers as we work together to ignite lives of purpose in our students through the development of an educated conscience that is rooted in the Love of Christ.


May you grow stronger and wiser and kinder each day,

Father Nate Bostian
Stemmons Family Senior Chaplain


Love... All the Law and the Prophets depend on this."

Matthew 22:37-40