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Community Service Learning

I am preparing lives that will go out from the classroom, reach out to the community, and stand out in the world. - ESD Manifesto

We believe Service to Others is one of the highest callings and students of all ages participate in an enriching community service program. Our program provides students with age-appropriate service opportunities and encourages the idea that every act of service, big or small, is important.

From local service hours to international mission trips, ESD students are making an impact on our community, our nation, and our world.

Courtney Phelps

Courtney Phelps

Director of Community Service Learning

Quick Resources

Service Partners and Opportunities

This is not a complete list of opportunities, but a great starting place for ESD families to engage with the DFW community.

Upper School Service Requirements

Upper School students are to complete a total of 50 hours of community service.

Community Service Learning In Action