Sky Watch, November - The Episcopal School of Dallas | Best Private Schools in Dallas

November 1, 2024
by Peter Lutken

Sky Watch November...This is the Fall "cross quarter day," halfway from the Equinox in September to the Solstice in December!

Evening skies: Venus is becoming a bright evening star, following the sunset in the west! The winter stars, with Jupiter and Mars among them, begin to rise around nine. The northern constellation Cassiopeia (which looks like a W) is right overhead this time of year! 

Full Moon is on the 15/16th.

Morning skies: The winter stars with Jupiter and Mars are high in the west. The Big Dipper and Leo are rising in the north and east.

Quarry/Outdoors: Lots of Monarchs are still fluttering through, but they'll head south soon. This month the trees will replace their orange with fall colors of their own! 

Migrating ducks and hawks are all over the place. Photo is of a tiny Screech Owl, sleeping during the day. They hunt at night, and their ghostly wavering call is perfect for Halloween! 

When "the world is too much with us," it's time to stop, head outside, and take in the fall: one of the most beautiful times of the year in Dallas.