Jewish Student Union Hosts Interfaith Passover Seder For ESD Community
Katie Voss Apr 25 2019Members of the ESD community were invited to the Interfaith Passover Seder last night, hosted by the Jewish Student Union hosted in partnership with the Office of Diversity and Inclusion. The Seder is a feast that includes reading, telling stories, eating special foods, singing, and other Passover traditions. Members of the JSU helped retell the story of the Exodus from slavery to freedom and invited participants to reflect on how we might be advocates of justice for all in our world today. |
SU members Daniel Kaplan '20, Brooks Butler '20, Abby Brand '20, Benjamin Goodman '20, Tucker Sachs '22, and Sofia Weinstein '20 helped lead re-enactments and read traditional passages. Several faculty members also participated in re-enactments and readings, and Liz Goatley found the broken afikoman, a piece of matzah bread broken earlier in the Seder. "How fortunate we are to have the opportunity to celebrate Passover in community with such special people," Tolly Salz, Sponsor of ESD's JSU said. "We appreciate the faithful support of the Office of Diversity & Inclusion, our Chaplain, and our administration as we work together to fulfill our mission." We wish all who observe a happy Passover. |