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WORX Internship Program Launches Industry Panels

Though COVID presented special challenges in a number of ways this school year, the ESD WORX Internship Program is proud to report they have officially placed 82 rising seniors into summer internships. In addition to this incredible feat, considering the circumstances, WORX has also launched a new aspect to the program.

Last month, ESD's WORX Internship Program hosted the inaugural WORX Industry Panels, where juniors and seniors had the opportunity to hear from leaders across a variety of industries. Each year the WORX Committee plans to host panels highlighting three different industries. For the inaugural event, students from the Class of 2021 and 2022 had the opportunity to hear from professionals, including two ESD alumni, in the fields of business, health care, and law.

"We’re especially grateful to our six panelists, all of whom accepted the invitation to participate without hesitation," says WORX Committee member and previous Dads' Partnership President, Ian Feuer. "These panels are an important part of the WORX future. We’ll grow this program annually and build an invaluable career resource for all ESD students."

These panels will serve as remarkable resources for ESD students for years to come as they will be recorded and made available for future classes. Thank you to everyone who helped make this year a success and kick off such an exciting new part of the program!

Click Here to View the Panels and Learn More About WORX