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A Coeducational, College Preparatory School for Ages 3 Through Grade 12

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Top Reasons Why Math is Important According to the Class of 2030

Top Reasons Why Math Is Important

according to the Class of 2030 on the first day of school 2021-22

Throughout our day, math (specifically digits or numbers in some form) is part of our daily lives! From the time we wake up, through our daily schedule at school or at home we use some version of math! Here are the instances where math is important throughout our day:

  1. Morning 

    1. Reading our alarm clock

    2. Calculating sunrise and sunset

    3. Calculating money for breakfast 

    4. Setting cooking times on the microwave

    5. Reading the speedometer in the car

    6. Reading gas prices on our way to school 

  2.  School Schedule

    1. Reading hymns in chapel

    2. Using calculators in math

    3. Using the calendar

    4. Keeping score for games at recess

    5. Reading table number assignments in the Dining Commons

    6. Finding textbook page numbers

    7. Using computers

    8. Finding carpool numbers

  3. After School

    1. Doing our homework

    2. Completing music lessons and sport practices

    3. Shopping 

    4. Reading addresses and zip codes

What would we do without math?