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A Coeducational, College Preparatory School for Ages 3 Through Grade 12

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Third Grade Learns About Pioneers in Dallas as Part of US History Unit

Just like fourth grade's study of America's First Nations, third grade's annual unit on pioneers was relocated from Wolf Run to the Merrell Campus this week. This unit is part of their larger study of US history.

"Students are learning about our 50 states, and they loved to continue their learning as they thought about how people moved across the country," said Third Grade Teacher Hannah DeMasi. "The students realized how challenging life was 200 years ago! By building a fire from flint and steel, cooking a pancake over a fire, and learning the importance of pulleys, the children loved exploring early settlers."

Third graders learned in three different stations:

  • Building a fire with flint and steel
    • Students learned how to use 19th-century tools and how pioneers used peg wood construction to build structures. Finally, students cooked flapjacks on the fire they built!
  • Discussing how pioneers planned travel
    • Students learned what pioneers had to consider before traveling to Texas to make a new home, such as what was important to bring and what might be found when they arrived (Wood for tools). They discussed how pioneers used simple machines like levers & pulleys to gain mechanical advantage and move large heavy objects to build their homes. Students used the Polasky - a lever - to move a heavy tree stump. Then, students experimented with pulley systems - fixed & compound - to gain mechanical advantage when raising heavy lumber for construction. 
  • Exploring pioneer-style entertainment
    • Finally, students played pioneer games such as yo-yo's, horseshoes, and string games like Cat's Cradle.

Students also watched a short video about the history of the neighborhood around ESD's campus as well as explored some of the wildlife in the Quarry.

Although we're missing Wolf Run, we're so thankful to have a unique outdoor environment in our own backyard to continue ESD's outdoor education program. Special thank you to the Outdoor Education team for their flexibility in planning this unit!