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Sermon Devotional: Accepting the Truth
Father Nate Bostian

Virtue of the Month: Honesty

Accepting the Truth
Father Nate Bostian

Based on Exodus 9:12-14, 33-35; Matthew 13:10-16.

To become people of honesty, it is not enough merely to speak the truth. We have to be able to hear it too. But many times we are not able to speak truth because we do not want to hear it. In the words of Exodus, we “harden our hearts” to the message of the Truth like Pharaoh did. In the words of Jesus, we often have “eyes that cannot see and ears that cannot hear,” because of our stubbornness. And because of that we will not hear the Word that can heal us. Why is this so? In the sermon we list four ways we harden ourselves to the Truth: 1. Dualism: We divide the world falsely into “us” verses “them,” and then we refuse to listen to “them,” even when “they” have really good ideas. 2. Strawmen: We create false versions of what others are saying and beat them down like a strawman. 3. Inconvenience: We know that if we accept a new truth, it may cost us or be very uncomfortable. So we refuse to listen. 4. Complacency: We are bored by something we have heard over and over from predictable places. And yet, God may have been putting that message in our lives over and over for a reason. In the end, to be a people of honesty and hear the truth, we must ask God to open our hearts to each other, open our ears to hear new things, and open our eyes to see truth in new ways.

Questions for Consideration:

Why is it important to tell people difficult truths that they do not want to hear?

In what ways is it difficult to tell people truths that they do not want to hear? How can we tell them these truths in a way they can hear?

The sermon talked about four ways we stop ourselves from hearing the truth: Dualism, Strawmen, Inconvenience, and Complacency. Give an example of each of these.

Do you use any of these in your life to avoid listening to difficult truths? How does that work for you?

How could you become more open to hearing difficult truths?

A Prayer: 

God of Faithfulness and Truth: You have spoken through prophets and apostles, through sages and mystics, and above all you have spoken through your Word made flesh, Jesus Christ. And yet, we can only hear your Word if we have open ears and an open heart. Make us a people of honesty who have open ears to hear your message, open eyes to see your truth, and open hearts to receive your Love. We ask this for the sake of your Compassion. Amen.