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May Sky Watch Report with Mr. Lutken
Peter K. Lutken

Retired faculty member and administrator Mr. Lutken offers guidance on what to expect in Mother Nature this month.

Typical crazy April: up and down and still in limbo. Nevertheless, May is here! Soon Cottonwood seeds will be drifting like snow, Swallows, Swifts and Flycatchers will show up over the fields. Thunderstorms and exams are on the way! Here are some things to look for:

Evening Skies:

Spring stars are high: The Big Dipper, Leo, and Arcturus wheel overhead through the night. 

Full Moon is on the 15th. A lunar eclipse will begin around 9:30 p.m. and will be total by 10:30. It should be fun if the clouds cooperate. Photo of the one in 2019.

Morning Skies:

Venus, Jupiter, Mars, and Saturn are in the southeast, forming a beautiful line up along the Plane of the Ecliptic. They rise about an hour before the sun, so if you can, get up early one day and take a look! Scorpio, Sagittarius and the Summer Triangle rise just ahead of them.

At the Quarry or around any creek or pond:

Watch for Barn Swallows, Herons, Sandpipers, Kingfishers! Birds are on the move! 

Take a break when the world gets to be too much..........there's always something new to see!!