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March Sky Watch with Mr. Lutken

Third year in a row of cold and ice in early February, but then ups and downs ranging from 30 to 80 degrees!!  The days are almost 12 hours long now, and will be by March 20th, the Equinox. Thunder this morning; spring is around the corner!

Evening skies:  
Venus and Jupiter are putting on a spectacular show in the west just after sunset! Go out any clear evening and check them out. Mars follows in the midst of the winter stars, Orion and company. They are high overhead, but set earlier every day. The spring stars, led by Leo, are climbing in the east.

Full Moon is on the 7th.

Morning skies:
The Summer Triangle is up before dawn in the east/southeast, and The Big Dipper shines out right overhead. Follow the arc of the dipper handle to the bright star Arcturus, "The Bear Hunter."

At the Quarry (or in your neighborhood): 
Great bird watching: Cedar Waxwings and Robins, hawks and ducks of all kinds....birds will really start to move as spring arrives. 

Enjoy this photo from Wolf Run, head outside, and read Wordsworth's poem "Daffodils." Perfect for this time of year!