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June/July Sky Watch Report with Mr. Lutken
Katie Voss


A hot, dry month of May...summer is here, but it's still three weeks to Solstice on June 21. Chimney Swifts and Green Herons at the Quarry! 



At dusk, two bright planets: Venus in the west following the sun down, Jupiter high in the south. Saturn and then Mars will join them in mid-July, rising in the east. There will be some beautiful conjunctions with the Moon as it travels past them each month.

The Summer Triangle (see Earthsky diagram to the right) rises around 9:00 p.m., and will get higher as the weeks go by. If you can get away from the city lights you can see the Milky Way running right through it down to Sagittarius, at the center of our galaxy far, far away...


Full Moon in June is on the 28th. July's is on the 27th.



As the weeks go by we'll begin to see the stars of Fall and Winter in the early morning.


Have a great summer, get outdoors and look around!