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June Sky Watch Report with Mr. Lutken

Some cool wet weeks in May, and challenging times, but summer is almost here: 3 weeks to the Solstice on June 20th.

Chimney Swifts and Green Herons are at the Quarry whether we can get there or not!!! 

Evenings:  Jupiter rises around 11 p.m. Saturn follows and then Mars. They'll be up most of the night by July, near Scorpio and Sagittarius!

The Summer Triangle is in the northeast and moves straight overhead during the evening.  If you can get away from the city lights, you'll see the Milky Way running right through it down to Sagittarius, at the center of our galaxy far, far away...

The Full Moon in June is on the 5th. July's will help us celebrate on the 4th!

Mornings:  Venus, which has been great after sunset for the past 6 months, is now racing between us and the sun, and will become a Morning Star soon! Also, we'll begin to see the stars of Fall and Winter in the early hours.

Photos are of the Blaz Memorial at summer solstice sunrise. A reminder that friends we can't be with are still with us in spirit.

Have a great summer, get outdoors and look around! PKL