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ESD Alumna Presents at 12th Annual Geneva Forum
Katie Voss

In early December, Maya Harris, ESD class of 2013 and Iowa State class of 2017, presented at the twelfth annual Geneva Forum held by Objectif Sciences International on the environmental footprint of cement and concrete. Her presentation titled "Decreasing the environmental footprint of cement and concrete" was included in the panel on Participatory Research, Citizen Sciences, Crowd-Innovation and Fab Labs for Peace and Development. Her research focuses on understanding the mechanisms of cement and finding supplemental materials with fewer emissions. Learn more about the presentation here.

Maya is a Ph.D. researcher in the Laboratory of Construction Materials & Powder Technology Group at EPFL, a science and technology institute in Switzerland. EPFL welcomes students, professors, and collaborators of more than 120 nationalities and focuses on teaching, research, and innovation.

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