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AP Art Show: Enigmatic
The Fine Arts Department of The Episcopal School of Dallas offers 35 courses in 15 different disciplines for Upper School students. This includes 21 courses in Visual Arts, with Advanced Placement courses in 2D Art, 3D Art, Art History, and Music Theory. Advanced Placement students represent some of the most talented, skilled, and disciplined students at ESD.
AP Art Show: Metanoia
The Fine Arts Department of The Episcopal School of Dallas offers 35 courses in 15 different disciplines for Upper School students. This includes 21 courses in Visual Arts, with Advanced Placement courses in 2D Art, 3D Art, Art History, and Music Theory. Advanced Placement students represent some of the most talented, skilled, and disciplined students at ESD.
AP Artist Spotlight: Alexandra Sachs
Beginning ESD as a sophomore in high school, it was also my first year of studio art. Prior to attending ESD, I took ceramics, but within my first year of studio art I fell in love with it and the way it felt to produce intricate work on paper with colors and meaning. Since I am only in my third year of art and had only a little bit of experimentation with it before I came to ESD, I am still learning. Although my skills are still developing, I have found my own voice through my work and a style that I enjoy pursuing.
AP Artist Spotlight: Ally Jeter
I began my first semester of Sculpture as a sophomore with very little experience and knowledge of the art form. I joined for the purpose of completing my art credits, but after my first day of Intro to Sculpture, I knew I wanted to continue Sculpture for the rest of my high school career.
AP Artist Spotlight: Charlotte Clark
The arts have always been a big part of my time at ESD. Since I was little, I’ve always had a passion for art and design, which my experience in this program has allowed me to build on. Throughout my years in art, I’ve been able to experiment with different mediums and challenge myself with assignments and styles that are outside my comfort zone.
AP Artist Spotlight: Christopher Hess
From an early age, I have always enjoyed art, and I am truly grateful that I decided to pursue sculpture in high school. I did not do visual art in middle school, so the transition to sculpture brought me joy and peace of mind. Sculpture allows my imagination to run free while also exposing me to a wide variety of mediums for my work. Sculpture also helps me think better about a wide variety of subjects. I have learned valuable skills such as patience and perseverance through sculpture, especially when a project turned out to be more difficult than expected.
AP Artist Spotlight: Eddie Salinas
I have been taking art classes ever since lower school. I have always enjoyed art class and art in general, especially the introductory art class that I took freshman year with Mr. Weiss. In that introductory course, I was able to explore the basics and create something with more understanding and meaning.
AP Artist Spotlight: Eleanor Beck
During most of my life at ESD, I’ve always been taking some form of an art class. Being introduced to many different mediums throughout middle school, I was able to find my passion for art and knew it was a course I wanted to pursue throughout high school. Over the past four years, I’ve been able to approach art in many different ways, and after exploring a multitude of techniques, I have fallen in love with the aspect of being able to express myself in other creative forms.
AP Artist Spotlight: Elle Etcheverry
I walked into the ceramics studio for the first time as a freshman, having only worked with clay once in my life at summer camp. I quickly grew to love the art form. I spent my freshman year learning the basics of ceramics: different construction methods, how to manage drying, and how to glaze. Most importantly, I learned that when it comes to working with clay, perfection takes time and requires many failures.
AP Artist Spotlight: Hadley Mattocks
I am the product of a family of artists, not only in the traditional sense of painting but of art history, graphic design, cars, sports, etc. Growing up, my family exposed me to creativity and beauty in all aspects of life, from museums and professional sporting events to high tea and graffiti parks. The result has been my continued interest in seeking out and creating beautiful, emotionally complex art.
AP Artist Spotlight: Henry Hobson
Ever since lower school, I’ve always enjoyed art classes. Whether it was making clay angels with Mrs. Rumplehammer or making men out of wire with Mrs. Purdy, I’ve always appreciated any art class. Over the past four years, I’ve been able to explore different types of materials that come together to make something entirely different. Having the opportunity to learn about various types of drills, saws, and any machine imaginable and their applications will be an experience I’ll cherish forever.
AP Artist Spotlight: Henry Nurenberg
As a freshman in Intro to Sculpture, I mainly saw this class as an opportunity to hang out with friends while working with my hands. It wasn’t until my sophomore year, when many of my friends stopped participating in sculpture, that I realized I really enjoyed planning out a project and seeing it come to fruition.
AP Artist Spotlight: Jack Beck
Throughout my time at ESD, art has always been an active part of my education and growth as a student, continuously being both a creative and mental outlet. Beginning with Mrs. R in the lower school with pottery and painting. Ms. Martin in middle school and her after-school art class starting what I consider my love for art, and Ms. Chambliss and Mr. Negroni in High school refining that passion.
AP Artist Spotlight: Lily Yandell
Art was my first love. As a young girl, I did all the drawing, doodling, painting, and crafting that my little hands could manage. We even turned part of my father’s office into an “art room” for my brother and I to learn to create. As I have grown older, photography has become my art form of choice since. I remember bringing my iPod Touch on road trips in lower and middle school, using the corny filters that the apps of the time had to offer. I enjoyed playing artists. Little did I know that today, I would be writing an artist statement about my work for an AP Art Show.
AP Artist Spotlight: Mary Cowser
I have tried many different visual arts at ESD and discovered that Sculpture is my passion. In Sculpture, I am not restricted to clay or canvas, and that freedom has allowed me to express my creativity to its full potential.
AP Artist Spotlight: Michael Bagley
When I began Sculpture as a sophomore, I was years removed from my last visual arts class and not quite sure what to expect. I joined Sculpture without even the notion of taking the class through my senior year, but after a single semester, I knew it was something I wanted to pursue. I began to double up on sculpture classes so I would have enough credits to enroll in AP Sculpture my Senior year.
AP Artist Spotlight: Olivia Hagge
Undergoing a metamorphosis of swelling emotion, Francesca Woodman's self-portrait series emphasizes the evocative power of self-portraits, igniting a feverish passion for creating self-portraits of my own. Her work is energized by the delicate flurries of long exposures and embellished with elements of her romantic and whimsical dreams. The progression of time flowing within her self-portraits raises the chronological series like a growing child, urging me to document my emotional and physical change through photography.
AP Artist Spotlight: Penelope North
Art has always been a form of expression for me quite unlike any other. Though I only decided to explore my passion for art beginning my sophomore year, I have considered myself an artist for my entire life. The influential mentorship of Ms. Chambliss brought me to pursue AP-level art with AP 2D Art and Design my junior year and AP Drawing my senior year. ESD’s art community has also driven me to sharpen my talent and keep creating over the years.
AP Artist Spotlight: Sumner Wooldridge
Art is the subject in which I feel most confident. I have attempted almost every art available to me, and out of all of them, drawing is my favorite way to tell stories.
AP Artist Spotlight: Susanna Newsom
Growing up, I had the incredible opportunity to accompany my family on “buying trips” for their interior design business. My earliest memories are scattered with textile patterns, rug embroidery, wood carvings, pottery, and vibrant colors from around the world. At the time, however, I complained… I mean, what kid wants to spend six hours in a dusty rug shop when you could be exploring new cities, tasting new foods, etc.?
Upper School Play
NOVEMBER 9-11, 7:00 p.m.
Bray Performance HallThis story of unspeakable horror, adapted from Henry James' novella The Turn of the Screw, begins when a young governess arrives at an English estate to oversee two precocious, orphaned youngsters.